Tuesday, August 03, 2004

The 'Gotcha' BBC (or *sigh*, Dubya and his "war" on "terror")

The Beeb devotes almost half this article about the response of Washington's citizens to terror alerts to people spouting anti-Bush sentiments.

It's not surprising that they should find many Bushophobes at a place like the World Bank- after all, such places are the ne plus ultra of multilateralists.

The job of a sensible broadcaster in an article not marked out as a 'viewpoint', would be to filter the comments received based on this awareness. Not the Beeb- they even compound it by using an off-the-cuff remark from a 'more Republican than anything' gentleman (near enough for the Beeb) that

"Bush has to have something to get him back into office".

Surfing the web I haven't come across many accusations as blatant as this one. I cannot believe for a moment that this lurid sound-byte was not a stand-out in terms of cynicism- yet the Beeb journo went for it. In the context of the World bank employees (trendy multis almost by definition, as I've pointed out) the article turns from a human interest one to a political screed, with quotes as blatant as "It doesn't help the bounce. Does it?" being gobbled up by the eager Beeb fans of Senator Nuance.

That's disappointing, and inadequate- and biased.

If you read what the liberal yet often excellent Jeff Jarvis says, the lack of balance is clear.

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