The BBC Muft it
A man after Aunty's own heart is the Mufti of Bosnia- who also merited a mention in my last post but for different reasons.
No, Aunty hadn't heard of him either but he sounds like a jolly nice fellow to entertain the natives with a tale of wholesome multicultiism.
He's such a nice fellow that when he thinks of a hot debate, like 'is Islam secure in Europe?' he doesn't just ram it down your throat, he thinks of a third way-
'"We have two extremes of approach. One says that Muslims are not secure and that Europe is an anti-Islamic environment. The other extreme says Europe is a haven for Islam and Muslims," he says.
"I believe that the truth is somewhere in the middle because we are all in a process of learning."'
Despite all this flannel, we do get to find out what he thinks about the Jews-
'at first outsiders, they later became part of the fabric of society but have defended their identity and world view. In turn, that world view influences decisions of the state and international relations.'
Indeed- but of course they don't 'control the world'.